How It Works

Choose Johnson’s Junk Removal for the best junk removal or demolition experience!


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Getting Started

You can schedule our junk removal or demolition services by calling (425) 286-0425 or using our Book Now feature 24/7.

Text Updates

We will send a confirmation text, a reminder the day before, and a text when we are on the way!

junk removal truck

Prompt Arrival

Our staff works Monday through Saturday to serve you, and we will always do our best to be on time and ready to work!

Tell Us What You Need Removed

Once we arrive, just tell us what junk you need removed and we’ll provide you with a concrete estimate.

We Get To Work

Once we know what to do, we will start lifting and hauling everything away!

calendar for booking

Full-Service Junk Removal

Show us what goes, and we’ll take care of the labor, equipment, cleanup, and hauling. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure to dispose of your junk in an eco-friendly way.


Johnson’s Junk Removal makes the junk removal process easy for the residents and business owners of Snohomish County and King County!

  • Quote. First, we give you a firm quote for the job!
  • Prep. Then we bring in the crew and equipment we’ll need.
  • Removal. We do all the lifting, labor, and loading required.
  • Cleanup. Next, we make one last check to be sure we got it all.
  • Disposal. Finally, we donate, recycle, or dispose of everything!


Johnson’s Junk Removal is a trusted junk removal and demolition team. Our clients appreciate our hard work, attention to detail, and professional service.

  • Local. Our home base is Snohomish, WA, and we love serving our neighbors!
  • Service Area. We serve locations across Snohomish and King Counties.
  • Eco-Friendly. We recycle about 90% of loads and donate usable items!
  • Convenient. Appointments are available 6 days a week for your convenience!
  • Reliable. Our staff is always on time and prepared for the job. You can count on us!

Book Now or call (425) 286-0425 to get started! We look forward to serving you!


Call (425) 286-0425 or email [email protected] or your service quote today!

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